
                                      Smoke !!!                                   Smoking is a big serious issue in our society and students are no exception specially high school students. So why these students taking up smoking and what are the consequences of cigarettes on their lives ?     The habite of smoking jumps from student to an other like a disease and the reasons are different. Some students smoke as a matter of competition between them to show the manhood,  others smoke because of bad friends, if you going with a somking friend soon or later you'll be smoking too. There are others who smoke due to their family problems or problems in their studies which they can't solve.     We do have problems in life but we face our problems and solve them or ask someone to help us but students face their problems with smoking cigarettes which is bad because they only make them worst . Smoking has bad conditions on their health, it cause them health problems such as


       Fiona Famous was a very popular girl at school. She was clever and fun, and got on well with everyone. It was no accident that Fiona was so popular. From an early age she had made an effort to be kind and friendly to everyone. She invited the whole class to her birthday party, and from time to time she would give presents to everybody. She was such a busy girl, with so many friends, that she hardly got a chance to spend time with individual friends. However, she felt very lucky; no other girl had so many friends at school and in the neighborhood. But everything changed on National Friendship Day. On that day, at school,everyone was having a great time, drawing, painting, giving gifts. That day in class everyone had to make three presents to give to their three best friends. Fiona enjoyed the task of choosing three from amongst all the dozens of her friends. However, when all the presents had been made and shared out among classmates, Fiona was the only one who had not rec


Teenage depression is a growing problem in today’s society and is often a major contributing factor for most adolescent problems. The statistics about teenage runaways, alcoholism, drug problems, pregnancy, eating disorders, and suicide are alarming. The common link to all of these crises is often depression. The path into adolescence is a difficult one, and the choices a teen makes can leave lasting scars on the lives of an entire generation of young men and women. There is a growing realization that teenage depression can be life changing, even life- threatening. Depression can be described in many ways. Its main description is that it is a serious mental disorder in which a person suffers long periods of sadness, loneliness, and other negative feelings. Teenagers have always been vulnerable to depression for a variety of reasons. It’s a confusing time of life because a teen’s body is changing along with their relationships. Teenagers constantly teeter-totter between striving for in


The Earth was formed about 4.7 billion years ago. The Earth’s shape is very close to that of a sphere, not perfectly spherical. The Earth’s equatorial diameter is about 12,756 km, which is slightly larger than the polar diameter; about 12,714 km Surface Area of the Earth is 510,065,600 km 2   of which 148,939,100 km 2   (29.2 %) is land and 361,126,400 km 2   (70.8 %) is water. The Earth rotates on its axis, an imaginary straight line through its centre. The two points where the axis of rotation intersects the Earth’s surface are called as the poles, one of them is called the North Pole and the other is known as the South Pole. One rotation with respect to Sun is completed in 24 hours, called a solar day. The   Earth   rotates in counter-clock direction or from left to right-or eastward direction. Rotation serves three reasons. First, the axis of rotation serves as a reference in setting up the geographic grid of latitude and longitude. Second, it provided a good measure of the p


         Motivation is an important thing that a person can have within his abilitiesto achieve what ever he want. It is also the way to successin whatever you do.          A person who is not motivated look like a died person he is not active or into any work to do it.         Some one who is motivated has the desire to do any work even if it is diffuclte he would enjoy doing it and feel the challange because he is doing what he like and no one is pushing him to do it . this one can be discribed as an intrinsic motivation which comes inside you with your well , you motivate yourself . it is important to have this one as you don’t expect anything from others or any one to reward you , you only do that for your self it is like being yourself when doing such things you like .The other one is extrinsic and it depends on others the more they  offer to you the more you get motivated. For example if your uncle ask you to help him with a certain work to do and he promise you money, you

Speech as a signal of social identity

         Language is introduced by Crystal (1971, 1992) as “the systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self expression”. Similarly, Emmitt and Pollock (1997) believe that language is a system of arbitrary signs which is accepted by a group and society of users. It is taken delivery of a specific purpose in relation to the communal world of clients. Chase (1969) declares that the purpose of language use is to communicate with others, to think, and to shape one‟s standpoint and outlook on life. Indeed, language figures human thoughts (ibid).               Language is one of the most powerful emblems of social behavior. In the normal transfer of information through language, we use language to send vital social messages about who we are, where we come from, and who we associate with. It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the perso


Having the blues, feeling a little anxious, or getting stressed from time to time are a part of life. All of the changes experienced in college can be very stressful. When these things start to interfere with daily life and your ability to function normally, it could be more serious than you realize. Stress, anxiety, and depression were all reported by Georgetown students on the National College Health Assessment as top factors that negatively impact academic performance. Educating yourself on these topics and available resources can be the key to a happy, successful college experience.