Motivation is an important thing that a person can have within his abilitiesto achieve what ever he want. It is also the way to successin whatever you do.
         A person who is not motivated look like a died person he is not active or into any work to do it.
        Some one who is motivated has the desire to do any work even if it is diffuclte he would enjoy doing it and feel the challange because he is doing what he like and no one is pushing him to do it . this one can be discribed as an intrinsic motivation which comes inside you with your well , you motivate yourself . it is important to have this one as you don’t expect anything from others or any one to reward you , you only do that for your self it is like being yourself when doing such things you like .The other one is extrinsic and it depends on others the more they  offer to you the more you get motivated. For example if your uncle ask you to help him with a certain work to do and he promise you money, you will be fully motivated to help him with anything he need but if he just ask you for help and didn’t promise you anything you wouldn’t care or even have the mood to help him.

       Sometimes we fail in our exams maybe we are less motivated but we don’t relate that fail to ourselves because we didn’t study hard web lame others time teacher or bad conditions that we face in our life and actully we good at that to blame others most that web lame is the teacher , he didn’t teach us well or didn’t explain the lesson as it should be . motivation goes with hard work and to set your plans and dreams to achieve them . Your achievements in this life says who you are and what are you able to do and that only can happen if you are motivated and you should have motivation inside you. When you mastery your goals you become talented, you bring up new skills in yourself.when ever you do a work or a task always think positive about it that you will complet it well just know what you are doing and work hard for it, at the end you your goals will be achieved.


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